
Infographics (preparation led by University of Olomouc) have two main purposes in ReConnect China: On the one hand, they will beef up the policy reports visually by summarising and preparing key aspects (both text and numbers) in an easy to capture way. On the other, infographics will be also deployed to our MOOC series, allowing to attribute a recognisable visual identity to this important educational output of the project.

Reconnect China Policy Brief 20: The China-Russia partnership and the Ukraine war: aligned but not allied

Author: Marc Julienne (IFRI)


Reconnect China Policy Brief 19: Technical Standards, Soft Connectivity and China’s Belt and Road: Towards greater convergence of fragmentation?

Author: John Seaman (IFRI)

Reconnect China Policy Brief 18: Partner, competitor, or both? Thoughts on derisking in EU-China economic relations

Author: Laurens Hemminga (University of Groningen)

Reconnect China Policy Brief 17: How China’s EV dominance is shaping EU trade strategy

Author: Victor De Decker (Egmont)

Reconnect China Policy Brief 16: AI and Technical Standardization in China and the EU

Author: John Seaman (IFRI)

Reconnect China Policy Brief 15: China’s Quest for a Quantum Leap

Author: Marc Julienne (IFRI)

ReConnect China Policy Brief 14: Getting China onboard a global debt governance system

Author: Francoise Nicolas (IFRI)

ReConnect China Policy Brief 13: EU’s technological dependencies towards China: The case of EV batteries

Author: Francesca Maremonti (IAI)


ReConnect China Policy Brief 12: Knowledge and Perception of Research Security

Authors: Philipp Brugner, Gábor Szüdi (ZSI)

ReConnect China Policy Brief 11: The Chinese AI Innovation Ecosystem

Authors: Junhua Zhu, Mikael Mattlin (University of Turku)

ReConnect China Policy Brief 10: Rethinking China’s COVID-19 Aid Diplomacy in Europe

Author: Hermann Aubié (University of Turku)

ReConnect China Policy Brief 9: Geopolitical Narratives Are Counterproductive

Authors: Mario Esteban (Elcano), Aurelio Insisa (IAI)