Online courses on China for everyone
The Horizon project “ReConnect China” has launched four China-related online courses accessible to all. These courses aim to impart fundamental knowledge about China to a broad audience, specifically tailored for European students. However, civil servants, journalists, teachers, and similar professionals will also find them valuable.
Structured around five to six thematic modules, each course incorporates diverse learning materials, including short video lectures, slide decks, podcasts, digital stories, and various reading materials. The learning experience is enhanced with versatile, automatically-graded assignments, concluding each thematic module with a multiple-choice exam. Each course carries a value of 3 ECTS, equivalent to approximately 80 hours of work. These are introductory level courses and require no prior knowledge.
The course syllabi were crafted by leading European China experts, and the materials are developed in collaboration with European China scholars. The Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at the University of Turku, Finland, spearheaded the course development.
The following ReConnect MOOCs are offered until 18 December 2026
- Introduction to Chinese Politics and Society
- Introduction to EU-China Relations
- Introduction to Chinese Economy
- Introduction to Chinese Popular Culture
Feedback from our course graduates
“This is a valuable and enjoyable course with extensive information, and most importantly, completely exciting.”
“Thank you for valuable course – it gave me much insight into economic and geopolitical changes in Asia!”
“I absolutely loved the design and modern approach to the topics in general!”
“Thank you for your efforts in realising the MOOC Introduction to EU-China Relations. I finished it a couple of days ago and I have learned incredibly much.”
Registration for the MOOCs on the DigiCampus learning platform
The course will be run in the DigiCampus learning platform. Students can sign up on this page by clicking on the course name and following further instructions. You can sign in on the course with Google, EduGain, HAKA identification, or use manual registering once the course has started.
More details
Learners can autonomously engage with the courses in the DigiCampus learning environment without direct supervision, completing coursework flexibly within their schedules throughout the course period.
Upon successfully completing a ReConnect MOOC course, learners can freely download an automatically generated course certificate from the DigiCampus learning platform, with a verification code provided.
Read more about the launch of our MOOC courses in the following news entries:
The first ReConnect China online courses (MOOCs) start in January and February 2024!