Presentation for the CHERN working group on high-technology and innovation

On April 24, ReConnect China researcher Philipp Brugner (ZSI) took part in the CHERN (COST action: China in Europe Research Network) webinar on “EU-China cooperation in science, technology and innovation”.

Philipp presented the ReConnect China report on research and innovation cooperation in digital technologies between EU and China (main authors: Gábor Szüdi and Philipp Brugner, both ZSI) and its related policy recommendations, which were published in two separate policy briefs afterwards.

Since the publication of the report in September 2023 further empirical data was collected aimed at embedding the recommendations drawn in the real-life context of actors involved in R&I cooperation with China. For this reason, some interviews were carried out, complemented by desk research and personal interactions on the question of how to conduct trusted research cooperation with China while adhering to the research security standards and principles.

The CHERN webinar gave space to discuss the status quo of ReConnect China research done on scientific cooperation with China from a European point of view and opened it for critical reflection by working group members.


ReConnect China on CHERN conference in Amsterdam

At the CHERN conference ‘China-Europe: Reconnecting in an Era of Competition and Rivalry?’, held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on 7 and 8 September 2023, the ReConnect China consortium participated in the roundtable ‘Horizon Europe Consortia knowledge networks on China’. ‘ReConnect China’ was represented by Astrid Pepermans and Bart Dessein.

Bart Dessein presenting at the CHERN training school in Brussels on May 11

Discussing how to upgrade independent knowledge on China

CHERN – China in Europe Research Network is a COST-funded European research and innovation network dedicated to China. It aims to develop an interdisciplinary, cross-regional and cross-sectoral understanding of the variation in Chinese engagements across Europe and their different social, economic, political and geopolitical implications from a pan-European perspective and includes around 250 researchers from more than 40 countries (EU MS and EU third countries).

From May 11-12, the people behind CHERN organise a training school for members in Brussel

Prof. dr. Bart Dessein, scientific co-ordinator of the ‘ReConnect China’ consortium, will participate in this training school by taking part in the moderated discussion on ‘Upgrading independent knowledge on China’ (on May 11 from 17:00-18:30).


The European Commission has become an active advocate of upgrading independent knowledge on China in Europe. Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein is Coordinator of the Horizon Europe Project “ReConnect China”. As one of the first two Horizon Europe projects focusing explicitly on the above stated goal of the European Commission, Prof. Dessein will give a short presentation of the mission for his consortium and share an outlook of the expected outputs. Gerhard Stahl (former high-level EU official) will comment on the input and mirror it against the experience he made with the status of knowledge on China, both demand and supply side, in the European institutions. After initial questions by the moderator, the floor will be opened to questions and a broader discussion, on the issue of independent knowledge on China.