ReConnect China Roundtable at the 25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies

Key achievements of ReConnect China research at Europe’s main scientific conference on China

From 27 to 30 August 2024, the ‘European Association for Chinese Studies’ held its 25th Biennial Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. Our project was present with a roundtable discussing the key research outputs of the project realised so far.

Outi Luova (University of Tartu), Jasper Roctus (UGent/Egmont), Bart Dessein (UGent/Egmont), and Beatrice Gallelli (University Ca’Foscari/Istito Affari Internationali) took part in the roundtable on behalf of ReConnect China. Beatrice Gallelli also moderated the roundtable. With an audience of academics and think tankers in the field of China studies, discussions developed based on the policy briefs that are the main outcome of the research done within our consortium. In particular, with some of the authors of the policy briefs and members of Work Package 6 (Measures to Maximise Impact) being present, the discussions developed on issues related to the Chinese economy, China’s international relations, China’s domestic policies, research and development, scientific cooperation, and outreach to civil society with emphasis on European youth.

While for the last topic, the ‘ReConnect China’ consortium has developed MOOCs on Chinese Politics and Society, EU-China Relations, the Chinese Economy, and Chinese Popular Culture, the panelists, in their statements, especially drew on the policy briefs ‘Knowledge and Perception of Research Security’ and ‘Policy Recommendations on EU-China STI Cooperation in the big Data-related Scientific Fields’ (ZSI), ‘Geopolitical Narratives Are Counterproductive’ (Elcano and IAI), ‘Navigating EU-China Investment Dynamics: Safeguarding Technological Know-How while fostering Cooperation’ (IAI), and ‘‘Remonstrating’ or the Art of Forging Relations’ (Egmont).

from left to right: Outi Louva, Bart Dessein, Jasper Roctus, Beatrice Gallelli

Science Diplomacy Collaboration with China – ReConnectChina represented at COST Workshop

In the framework of a science diplomacy workshop organised by the COST Association for new COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Actions on 28 June 2023, ZSI researcher Gábor Szüdi had the chance to present the co-operation risks and potentials with China (as an example of a ‘non-like-minded country’) within collaborative R&I projects, using the tools of science diplomacy.
The presentation highlighted the differences between the EU and Chinese interpretation of STI co-operation and science diplomacy, drawing also on national examples, explaining the inherent tensions that might be successfully mitigated by the ongoing work in ReConnectChina.
The workshop therefore served also as an excellent opportunity to introduce high-level researchers from all around Europe (principal investigators of COST Actions in manifold thematic areas) the thematic foci and strategic priorities of ReConnect China.